Dark Jedi Parables


30-06-2009 22:24:34

1. A novice roams the halls of the Arcanum, attempting to locate the entrance to the Shadow Academy. Hopelessly lost, he asks several Krath for directions, but they ignore him as they whisper with heads together. Undeterred, he continues to follow hallways that are seemingly the same for several hours. Giving up, he turns around to retrace his steps to the loading bay and runs headlong into the Headmaster of the Academy. He apologizes, not knowing who the imposing man is, and steps out of the Elder's way. Aabsdu asks him his troubles, and the novice explains he as given up on his studies because if he can't even find the classrooms, how is he going to pass any tests. Aabsdu says, "I had a new student once, just like you..."

Please include the workings and importance of the Shadow Academy.

2. An Acolyte, spending some free time between classes, comes upon a room with a lightsaber lying unattended on a table. Seizing the opportunity, knowing he may catch some punishment if caught, he picks up and ignites the saber. Mesmerized by his find, he fiddles with it, slowly building his movements until he is nearly simulating combat. A slamming door behind him causes him to jump, losing his grip on the saber. It falls from his hands, the blade spinning and touching his right arm. He screams in fear, sure he had lost an appendage. Luckily, however, this blade is merely a training saber. The teacher who entered the room shakes his head in disappointment. "If that he been a true lightsaber, we would have a very different conversation right now," he begins.....

Please include the difference between regular and training sabers, and how and when Journeymen acquire them.

3. A young Dark Jedi apprentice wakes violently from a terrible nightmare in which all of his Dark Jedi allies are engaged in battle with other Light Jedi. As the terror fades, he notices his master sitting in the corner of his room, awaiting the end of his slumber. "Only a matter of time until you dreamed what you have just experienced," his master announces. "The worst part is that your dream has already come true a number of times in the past, and most surely will again..."

Please include an explanation of what the Great Jedi Wars are and why/how they occur.


20-11-2009 18:28:09

Thanks everyone!