Acc Rl Timeline


05-10-2005 09:30:36

- Creation of the KCC @ Oct-Nov 02 (based off of GC's awarded to Jam3z and CyberGuy, original info missing)
- March 2003: Dalthid hired as KCC Judge

- April 12 2003: Exodus

- April 29 2003: KCC brought back online after the Exodus.
- June 28 2003: ACC begins Beta Testing
- July 18 2003: ACC opened with Xizor as CM
- September 4 2003: Celebration Ladder opens (original CHL)
- October 22 2003: Future CM, Alaric is hired as a judge
- October 31 2003: Xizor steps down and Cyris is appointed
- November 7 2003: Cyris institutes 14 day time-out period for regular battles.
- November 12 2003: Chancellor (Flechette) publically dusallows the "dual" awarding for the ACC due to skill points and such.
- November 13 2003: Challenge of Ashvroth announced (Cyris), the ACC's first cooperative event.
- January 15 2004: Cyris decrees that Clan/Order Force Powers are not to be used in the ACC
- January 16 2004: The "original" ACC Live goes into Beta Testing
- January 22 2004: Challenge of Ashvroth ends
- January 23 2004: The first ACC Overhaul is released** Senior Judge/Trainer positions implemented.
- March 2 2004: Arcturus (acting CM) announces the completion of the Celebration Ladder(Dalthid).
- March 4 2004: A new Combat Master is sought due to Cyris's resignation.
- March 10 2004: The ACC is created as a Society and Gryffon is named as Cyris's replacement.
- March 12 2004: Form VII is officially restricted to DA+ (Gryffon)
- June 29 2004: James Mkenna "takes over" (first time) as CM due to Gryffon's unexplained absence.
- June 30 2004: Applications are open for CM.
- July 6 2004: Alaric appointed as Combat Master
- July 13 2004: Alaric announces the ACC "Reconstruction"
- Jun 04 - Aug 04: 5th GJW
- August 16 2004: Echani is officially "paused" for being open for approval (i.e. no more applications accepted)
- November 14 2004: ACCLive! (the "new" version of ACC Live) goes into Stage 2 (public) testing
- Novemeber 17 2004: Alric launches "Dark Betrayal"
- January 29 2005: Alaric "retires", Dalthid is appointed Combat Master
- February 5 2005: "Dark Betrayal" concludes
- February 13 2005: Handicap ability added for battle challenges
- March 11 2005: The First Championship Ladder (CHL) opens
- March 13 2005: ACCLive! Disseminated to the staff for public use/Hall re-created
- March 29 2005: James creates a program to replace the mIRC script for ACCLive!
- April 4 2005: The First Piloting Championship released through the ACC for signups
- April 5 2005: ACCLive! added to the list of DB platforms for score submissions
- April 17 2005: NPC Creature Operation begins development
- May 4 2005: First PCHL Opens
- May 12 2005: ACC Rules established
- June 2005: The beginning of the largest influx of new members since the Centre opened
- June 11 2005: ACC Armory opens with ACC only weapons
- June 17 2005: The first ACC Intitiate's Course and Test opened in the SA
- July 8 2005: Force Power Conversion (RPG to ACC) developed (ver. 1)
- August 12 2005: The First CHL ends (Vessicant)
- August 23 2005: First PCHL ends (Dark Sabre)
- October 1 2005: M:CM, P:CM and S:OPR positions dissolved
- October 3 2005: Second CHL Begins
- November 1 2005: ACC Force Pool system goes into effect.
- November 6 2005: Cleaning the Combat Master co-op (preliminary, large scale co-op practice) begins.
- November 19 2005: Cleaning the CM Ends.
- November 29 2005: The RL passing of ACC staff member, DJK Langis Gyn Histop.
- January 7 2006: ACC History approved
- January 29 2006: Dalthid is CM for 1 year
- February 1 2006: First ACCLive! Tournament opens
- February 11 2006: Dual Handedness adopted by the ACC
- February 11 2006: 32 person 'Bar Room Brawl' Begins
- March 10 2006: Second CHL ends (Muz)
- March 21 2006: DS retires from the ACC staff
- March 31 2006: First ACCLive! Tournament ends
- April 4 2006: ACC Hall consolidation; B-Hood Hall and Clan Halls opened
- April 4 2006: Lightsabre styles and points added to CS's
- April 8 2006: Event and Competition Guide, GM approved and added to compendium
- April 15 2006: Parent/Child Hall structure completed (JaM3z)
- May 7 2006: Creature combat testing begins
- Jun 06 - Aug 06: 6th GJW
- Spetember 1 2006: Bar Room Brawl goes into Round 2
- September 16 2006: DB Award Weapons added to the ACC
- September 14 2006: Creature combat test battle completed (Macron; Kat)
- September 24 2006: "Battle Suits" added to the ACC
- September 24 2006: ACC Training Reformation begins
- October 20 2006: 2nd Piloting Championship begins
- October 7 2006: ACCLive! Ladder begins
- October 7 2006: M:CM position reinstated (Telona)
- October 29 2006: ACCLive! Ladder ends
- October 31 2006: Bar Room Brawl, Round 2 ends, waiting...
- Oct/Nov 2006: Combat Centre Hall goes over 1000 battles
- November 5 2006: 3rd Championship Ladder begins
- November 11 2006: Competition request form added
- November 13 2006: DCM trials begin
- November 21 2006: Bar Room Brawl, Round 3 begins...
- November 25 2006: Anti-lightsabre weapons added to Armory for CHL's
- November 25 2006: Eraser Competition begins
- December 17 2006: Bar Room Brawl, Round 4 begins...
- December 30 2006: Sildrin completes 'elapsed time' additions to ACC battles
- December 10 2006: Archive developed for TO battles
- December 15 2006: ACC Draw policy changed
- January 1 2007: Halcyon steps down from DCM due to MAA appointment
- January 1 2007: Brujah hired as DCM
- January 6 2007: ACCLive! Ladder begins
- January 7 2007: 2nd PCHL ends (Halcyon)
- January 13 2007: Sabre Form annotations added to ACC
- January 13 2007: Eraser Comp ends
- January 26 2007: ACCLive! Ladder ends
- January 29 2006: Dalthid is CM for 2 years
- February 11 2007: DH fix begins
- March 10 2007: Ethran and Sai hired as Judges
- March 15 2007: RoS: Second Darkness begins
- March 26 2007: 3rd CHL ends (Halcyon)
- March 31 2007: RoS; Second Darkness ends
- April 28 2007: Custom species manual uploaded
- April 14 2007: DCM Brujah goes LoA
- May 9 2007: Nekura Manji resigns form the ACC staff
- May 18 2007: ACCLive! Ladder begins
- May 26 2007: Brujah MIA; removed from ACC staff
- June 2 2007: ACCLive! Ladder ends
- June 6, 2007: Introduction of new DH system
- June 19, 2007: Dalthid steps down as Combat Master; Halcyon Rokir is appointed in his stead
- June 19, 2007: Dalthid appointed DCM to help with the transition
- June 21, 2007: Shikyo resigns from the ACC staff
- June 22, 2007: 3rd Piloting Championship begins
- June 22, 2007: Kraval Novir hired as Judge
- June 27, 2007: Derev hired as Judge
- New Handedness System goes into full effect
- July 15, 2007: 7th GJW Begins
- July 28th, 2007: Derev removed from ACC Staff
- August 7, 2007: al`Lan Mandragoran resigns from ACC Staff
- August 8, 2007: Rasilvenaira StormRaven resigns from ACC Staff
- August 23, 2007: Syn Kaek re-hired as Judge
- August 25, 2007: Sai resigns from ACC Staff
- August 26, 2007: 7th GJW End
- August 27, 2007: Vexer Thrace hired as Trainer
- August 29, 2007: Sharad hired as Trainer
- September 22, 2007: 3rd Piloting Championship Ends (Zandro)
- September 24, 2007: 4th Championship Ladder begins
- October 5, 2007: New Custom Weapons policy introduced
- October 8, 2007: Telona steps down from Trainer
- October 10, 2007: Juda hired as Trainer
- October 25, 2007: New Training Policy put into effect; Training done within Clans
- December 10, 2007: Juda becomes the Deputy Combat Master
- January 14, 2008: Vexer steps down as Trainer
- January 23, 2008: Xathia hired as Trainer
- February 1, 2008: Quick Skirmish Hall is introduced
- February 29, 2008: Halcyon resigns as Combat Master; Sharad takes his place
- March 1, 2008: Quejo hired as Trainer
- March 6, 2008: Juda removed as Deputy Combat Master
- March 6, 2008: Zandro hired as Judge
- March 9, 2008: Shadow hired as Deputy Combat Master
- March 9, 2008: Sklib hired as Trainer
- March 10, 2008: RevengeX hired as Judge
- March 10, 2008: New Training Policy rescinded; Training done by ACC Staff again
- March 16, 2008: Kraval resigns as Operator